Published papers

Publishing peer-reviewed papers is the bread and butter of any research group, and the Monteith Shop is no exception. We aim to publish almost all of our research in peer-reviewed journals.

We’ve listed all the papers that the Monteith Shop has been involved in over the years. Authors that were members of the Monteith Shop at time of publication are italicized.

The purpose of scientific papers is primarily to talk to other researchers and other wildlife professionals. This means that the language is usually technical and hard to read. We’ve included links to research briefs and popular press articles whenever possible. If there’s a paper that you want to know more about, please reach out; we want this work to be as accessible as possible!

Why peer review?

Peer review is the gold standard for science, and nearly any paper that is published in a peer-reviewed journal has passed through a rigorous process where other scientists critique and make suggestions to improve the paper. It’s a big reason why science is so slow, but it’s also how we make sure that whatever is published is as good as it can be. Of course, it’s also important to note that shoddy science can still make it through the peer-review process because of predatory journals (journals just trying to publish whatever they can to make a buck), or sometimes just because of luck. However, overall, it’s a strong system that ensures we are managing and conserving wildlife with the best available information.

Published, peer-reviewed papers

“Spatiotemporal predictions of the alternative prey hypothesis: predator habitat use during decreasing prey abundance,” written by M. Brunet, K. L. Monteith, K. S. Huggler, D. J. Thompson, P. W. Burke, M. Zornes, P. Lionberger, M. Valdes, and J. D. Holbrook. Published in 2023 in Ecosphere 14(1):e4370.

“Migrating mule deer compensate en route for phenological mismatches,” written by A. C. Ortega, E. O. Aikens, J. A. Merkle, K. L. Monteith, and M. J. Kauffman. Published in 2023 in Nature Communications 14:2008.

Maternal effects and the legacy of extreme environmental events for wild mammals.

LaSharr, T. N., R. P. Jakopak, S. P. H. Dwinnell, R. Rafferty, R. C. Kaiser, M. Thonhoff, G. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology 104(3):e3953. 2023.

Denryter, K., M. Conner, T. R. Stephenson, D. German, and K. L. Monteith. Functional Ecology 36:2569-2579. 2022.

Verzuh, T. L., S. A. Rogers, P. D. Mathewson, R. A. Long, A. May, W. P. Porter, C. Class, L. Knox, T. Cufaude, E. L. Hall, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Animal Ecology 92(3):619-634. 2022.

Ortega, A.C., T.N. LaSharr, M. Kaufman, and K.L. Monteith. Ecology 104(4):e3952. 2022.

LaSharr, T. N., S. P. H. Dwinnell, B. Wagler, H. Sawyer, R. P. Jakopak, A. C. Ortega, L.R. Wilde, M. J. Kauffman, K. S. Huggler, D. Brimeyer, B. Scurlock, J. Randall, R. C. Kaiser, M. Thonhoff, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22333. 2022.

Jakopak, R. P., H. Sawyer, T. N. LaSharr, J. Randall, S. P. H. Dwinnell, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Animal Behavior 192:51-62. 2022.

Levine, R. L., R. A. Smiley, B. R. Jesmer, B. A. Oates, J. R. Goheen, T. R. Stephenson, M. J. Kauffman, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Alces 58(1):91-99. 2022.

Smiley, R. A., B. L. Wagler, T. N. LaSharr, K. A. Denryter, T. R. Stephenson, A. B. Courtemanch, T. W. Mong, D. Lutz, D. McWhirter, D. Brimeyer, P. Hnilicka, B. Lowrey, and K. L. Monteith. Ecosphere 13:e4161. 2022.

Huggler, K. S., J. D. Holbrook, M. M. Hayes, P. W. Burke, M. P. Zornes, D. Thompson, J. Clapp, P. Lionberger, M. Valdez, and K. L. Monteith. Ecological Applications 32:e2648. 2022.

Smiley, R. A., R. N. LaSharr, H. N. Abernathy, Y. N. Shakeri, R. L. Levine, S. T. Rankins, R. P. Jakopak, R. T. Rafferty, J. T. Kolek, B. L. Wagler, S. P. H. Dwinnell, T. J. Robinson, J. E. Randall, R. C. Kaiser, M. Thonhoff, B. Scurlock, T. Fieseler, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Life 12:375. 2022.

Brunet, M. J., K. L. Monteith, K. S. Huggler, J. G. Clapp, D. J. Thompson, P. W. Burke, M. Zornes, P. Lionberger, M. Valdez, and J. D. Holbrook. Ecology and Evolution 12:e1327. 2022. 

Levine, R. L., S. P. H. Dwinnell, B. Kroger, C. Class, and K. L. Monteith. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46:e1327. 2022.

Wagler, B. L., R. A. Smiley, A. B. Courtemanch, G. Anderson, D. Lutz, D. McWhirter, D. Brimeyer, P. Hnilicka, T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22181. 2022.

Martin, A., J. Hogg, K. R. Manlove, T. N. LaSharr, J. Shannon, D. McWhirter, H. Miyasaki, K. L. Monteith, and P. Cross. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22154. 2022.

Street, G. M., J. R. Potts, L. Börger, J. C. Beasley, S. Demarais, J. M. Fryxell, P. D. McLoughlin, E. H. Merrill, K. L. Monteith, C. M. Prokopenko, M. C. Ribeiro, A. R. Rodgers, B. K. Strickland, F. M. van Beest, D. A. Bernasconi, L. T. Beumer, G. Dharmarajan, S. P. H. Dwinnell, D. A. Keiter, A. Keuroghlian, L. J. Newediuk, J. E. F. Oshima, O. Rhodes Jr., P. E. Schlichting, N. M. Schmidt, and E. Vander Wal. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:2421–2431. 2021.

Dwinnell, S. P. H., H. Sawyer, M. J. Kauffman, J. E. Randall, R. C. Kaiser, M. A. Thonhoff, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Functional Ecology 35:1512–1523. 2021.

Kauffman, M. J., F. Cagnacci, S. Chamaille-Jammes, M. Hebblewhite, ……K. L. Monteith,…… S. Zuther. Science 372:566–569. 2021.

Kauffman, M. J., E. O. Aikens, S. Esmaeili, P. Kaczensky, A. Middleton, K. L. Monteith, T. A. Morrison, T. Mueller, H. Sawyer., and J. R. Goheen. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52:453–478. 2021.

Jakopak, R. P., J. Western, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1309–1320. 2021.

Verzuh, T. L., L. E. Hall, T. Cufaude, L. Knox, C. Class, and K. L. Monteith. Animal Behaviour 178:77–86. 2021.

LaCava, M., R. Gagne, K. Gustafson, S. J. Oyler-McCance, K. L. Monteith, H. Sawyer, M. Kauffman, D. Thiele, and H. Ernest. Ecography 44:987–999. 2021.

Denryter, K., T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology 102:e03321. 2021.

Proffitt, K. M., A. B. Courtemanch, S. R. Dewey, B. Lowrey, D. E. McWhirter, K. L. Monteith, J. T. Paterson, J. Rotella, P. J. White, and R. A. Garrott. Ecosphere 12:e03410. 2021.

Aikens, E. O., S. P. H. Dwinnell, T. N. LaSharr, R. P. Jakopak, G. L. Fralick, J. Randall, R. Kaiser, M. Thonhoff, M. J. Kauffman, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology 102:e03334. 2021.

Oates, B. A., K. L. Monteith, J. R. Goheen, J. A. Merkle, G. L. Fralick, and M. J. Kauffman. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Invited paper: Special Topics Advances in Ungulate Ecology) 8:522174. 2021.

Morrison, T.A., J. A. Merkle, E. O. Aikens, J. L. Beck, R. B. Boone, S. P. Dwinnell, B. Griffith, G. C. Hopcraft, A. D. Middleton, K. L. Monteith, B. A. Oates, H. Sawyer, K. T. Smith, J. A. Stabach, K. L. Taylor, and M. J. Kauffman. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:955–966. 2021.

Denryter, K., D. W. German, T. R. Stephenson, and K. L. Monteith. Ecological modelling 440:109349. 2021.

Jesmer, B. R., M. J. Kauffman, A. Courtemanch, S. Kilpatrick, T. Thomas, J. Yost, K. L. Monteith, and J. R. Goheen. Ecological Applications 31:e02299. 2021.

Donovan, V. M., S. P. H. Dwinnell, J. L. Beck, C. P. Roberts, J. G. Clapp, G. S. Hiatt, K. L. Monteith, and D. Twidwell. Journal of Mammalogy 102:757–771. 2021.

Kauffman, K. M., T. Cornish, K. L. Monteith, B. Schumaker, T. LaSharr, K. Huggler, and M. Miller. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57:313–320. 2021.

Monteith, K. L., K. B. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and R. P. Jakopak. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Invited paper: Special Topics Advances in Ungulate Ecology) 8:274. 2020.

Ortega, A. C., S. P. H. Dwinnell, T. N. LaSharr, R. P. Jakopak, K. Denryter, M. M. Hayes, E. O. Aikens, T. Verzuh, A. B. May, M. J. Kauffman, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1445–1456. 2020.

Aikens, E. O., A. Mysterud, J. A. Merkle, F. Cagnacci, I. M. Rivrud, M. Hebblewhite, M. A. Hurley, W. Peters, S. Bergen, J. De Groeve, S. P.H. Dwinnell, B. Gehr, M. Heurich, A. J. M. Hewison, A. Jarnemo, P. Kjellander, M. Kröschel, A. Licoppe, J. Linnell, E. H. Merrill, A. D. Middleton, N. Morellet, L. Neufeld, K. L. Parker, L. Pedrotti, K. M. Proffitt, S. Said, H. Sawyer, B. M. Scurlock, J. Signer, P. Stent, P. Šustr, T. Szkorupa, K. L. Monteith, and M. J. Kauffman. Current Biology 30:34444–3449.e4. 2020.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Aikens, E. O., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Merkle, S. P. H. Dwinnell, G. L. Fralick, and M. J. Kauffman. Global Change Biology 26:4215–4225. 2020.

Bowyer, R. T., K. M. Stewart, V. C. Bleich, J. C. Whiting, K. L. Monteith, M. E. Blum, and T. N. LaSharr. Alces 56:15–38. 2020.

Maloney, M, J. Merkle, D. Aadland, D. Peck, R. D. Horan, K. L. Monteith, T. Winslow, J. Logan, D. Finnoff, C. Sims, and B. Schumaker. Ecological Applications 60:e02129. 2020.

Stephenson, T. R., D. W. German, R. C. Cook, M. E. Blum, M. Cox, K. M. Stewart, E. F. Cassirer, D. P. Walsh, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Mammalogy 101:1244–1256. 2020.

Lowrey, B., D. E. McWhirter, K. M. Proffitt, K. L. Monteith, A. B. Courtemanch, P. J. White, J. T. Patterson, S. R. Dewey, and R. A. Garrott. Ecological Applications 30:e2106. 2020.

Smiley, R. A., C. D. Rittenhouse, T. W. Mong, and K. L. Monteith. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 44:208–213. 2020.

Lamont, B. G., M. J. Kauffman, J. A. Merkle, T. W. Mong, M. M. Hayes, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:413–424. 2020.

Jakopak, R. J., K. L. Monteith, B. G. Merkle. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 100:e01610. 2019.

Jakopak, R. J., T. N. LaSharr, S. P. H. Dwinnell, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology 0:e02854. 2019.

LaSharr, T. L., R. A. Long, J. R. Heffelfinger, V. C. Bleich, P. R. Krausman, R. T. Bowyer, J. M. Shannon, R. W. Klaver, C. Lehman, and K. L. Monteith. Evolutionary Applications 12:1823–1836. 2019.

Monteith, K. B., K. L. Monteith, and J. A. Jenks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:693–700. 2019.

Merkle, J. A., H. Sawyer, K. L. Monteith, S. P. Dwinnell, G. L. Fralick, and M. J. Kauffman. Ecology Letters 22:1797–1805. 2019.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Dwinnell, S. P. H., H. Sawyer, J. E. Randall, J. L. Beck, J. S. Forbey, G. L. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Ecological Applications 29:e01972. 2019.

A black silhouette of a pronghorn male running to the right.

LaSharr, T. N., R. A. Long, J. R. Heffelfinger, V. C. Bleich, P. R. Krausman, R. T. Bowyer, J. M. Shannon, R. M. Rominger, C. Lehman, M. Cox, and K. L. Monteith. Journal of Mammalogy 100:1447–1458. 2019.

A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.

Lowrey, B., K. Proffitt, D. McWhirter, P. J. White, A. Courtemanch, S. Dewey, H. Miyasaki, K. L. Monteith, J. Mao, J. Grigg, C. Butler, E. Lula, and R. Garrott. Ecology and Evolution 9:8829–8839. 2019.

A black silhouette of a bull elk leaning toward the ground.

Lamont, B. G., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Merkle, T. W. Mong, S. E. Albeke, M. M. Hayes, and M. J. Kauffman. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:679–693. 2019.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Sawyer, H., J. Merkle, A. Middleton, S. P. Dwinnell, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology 88:450–460. 2018.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Monteith, K. L., M. M. Hayes, M. J. Kauffman, H. E. Copeland, and H. Sawyer. Ecological Applications. 28:2153–2164. 2018.

Black silhouette of a bull moose running.

Jesmer, B. R., J. A. Merkle, J. R. Goheen, E. O. Aikens, J. L Beck, A. B. Courtemanch, M. A. Hurley, D. E. McWhirter, H. Miyasaki, K. L. Monteith, and M. J. Kauffman. Science. 361:1023–1025. 2018.

A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.

Conner, M. M., T. R. Stephenson, D. W. German, K. L. Monteith, and A. P. Few. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1442–1458. 2018.

A black silhouette of a pronghorn male running to the right.

Reinking, A. D., K. T. Smith, K. L. Monteith, T. W. Mong, M. J. Read, and J. L Beck. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:608–617. 2018.

A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.

Monteith, K. L., R. A. Long, T. R. Stephenson, V. C. Bleich, R. T. Bowyer, and T. N. LaSharr. Journal of Wildlife Management. 82:67–84. 2018.


Black silhouette of a bull moose running.

Jesmer, B. R., J. R. Goheen, K. L. Monteith, and M. J. Kauffman. Ecological Applications 27:2303–2312. 2017.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Sawyer, H, N. M. Korfanta, R. M. Nielson, K. L. Monteith, and D. Strickland. Global Change Biology 23:4521–4529. 2017.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Aikens, E., M. Kauffman, J. Merkle, S. Dwinnell, G. Fralick, and K. L. Monteith. Ecology Letters 6:741–750. 2017.


A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Sawyer, H., A. D. Middleton, M. M Hayes, M. J. Kauffman, and K. L. Monteith. Ecosphere 7:e01534. 2016.

A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.
A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Merkle, J. A., K. L. Monteith, E. O. Aikens, M. M. Hayes, K. R. Hersey, A. D. Middleton, B. A. Oates, H. Sawyer, B. M. Scurlock, and M. J. Kauffman. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 283:20160456. 2016.

Black silhouette of a bull moose running.

Ruprecht, J. S., K. R. Hersey, K. Hafen, K. L. Monteith, N. J. DeCesare, M. J. Kauffman, and D. R. MacNulty. Journal of Mammalogy 97:1355–1365. 2016.

A black silhouette of a bull elk leaning toward the ground.

Long, R. A., R. T. Bowyer, W. P. Porter, P. Mathewson, K. L. Monteith, S. L. Findholt, B. L. Dick, and J. G. Kie. Oecologia 181:709–720. 2016.


A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.

Smith, J. B., T. W. Grovenburg, K. L. Monteith, and J. A. Jenks. American Midland Naturalist 174:290–301. 2015.

Black silhouette of a bull moose running.

Monteith, K. L., R. W. Klaver, K. R. Hersey, A. A. Holland, T. P. Thomas, and M. J. Kauffman. Oecologia 178:1137–1148. 2015.

A mule deer fawn lays curled into a circle, darker hair running from its nose, over its white spotted back, to its tail.

Shallow, J. R. T., M. A. Hurley, K. L. Monteith, and R. T. Bowyer. Journal of Mammalogy 96:194–205. 2015.


Bowyer, R. T., V. C. Bleich, K. M. Stewart, J. C. Whiting, and K. L. Monteith. California Fish and Game 100:550–572. 2014.

A black silhouette of a bull elk leaning toward the ground.

Jones, J. D., M. J. Kauffman, K. L. Monteith, B. M. Scurlock, S. E. Albeke, and P. C. Cross. Ecological Applications 24:1769–1779. 2014.

A mule deer fawn lays curled into a circle, darker hair running from its nose, over its white spotted back, to its tail.

Grovenburg, T., W., K. L. Monteith, C. N. Jacques, R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno, T. J. Brinkman, K. B. Monteith, S. L. Gilbert, V. C. Bleich, C. S. Swanson, and J. A. Jenks. PLoS ONE 38:89–95. 2014.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Copeland, H. E., H. Sawyer, K. L. Monteith, D. E. Naugle, A. Pocewicz, N. Graf,
and M.J. Kauffman. Ecosphere 5:art117. 2014.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Lendrum, P. E., C. R. Anderson, K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and R. T. Bowyer. Mammalian Biology 79:369–375. 2014.

A black silhouette of a bull elk leaning toward the ground.

Long, R. A., R. T. Bowyer, W. P. Porter, P. Mathewson, K. L. Monteith, and J. G. Kie. Ecological Monographs 84:513–532. 2014.

The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Monteith, K. B., K. L. Monteith, L. E. Schmitz, R. T. Bowyer, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. Journal of Mammalogy 95:301–310. 2014.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Monteith, K. L., V. C. Bleich, T. R. Stephenson, B. M. Pierce, M. M. Conner, J. G. Kie, and R. T. Bowyer. Wildlife Monographs 186:1–62. 2014.

A mule deer fawn lays curled into a circle, darker hair running from its nose, over its white spotted back, to its tail.

Grovenburg, T. W., R. W. Klaver, C. N. Jacques, T. J. Brinkman, C. C. Swanson, C. S. DePerno, K. L. Monteith, V. C. Bleich, J. J. Kie, and J. A. Jenks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:89–95. 2014.


Black silhouette of a bull moose running.

Bowyer, R. T., J. G. Kie, D. K. Person, and K. L. Monteith. Acta Theriologica 58:329-340. 2013.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Lendrum, P. E., C. R. Anderson, K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and R. T. Bowyer. PloS ONE:e64548. 2013.

A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Monteith, K. L., T. R. Stephenson, V. C. Bleich, M. M. Conner, B. M. Pierce, and R. T. Bowyer. Journal of Animal Ecology 82:377–388. 2013.

A black silhouette of a bighorn sheep ram.

Monteith, K. L., R. A. Long, V. C. Bleich, J. R. Heffelfinger, P. R. Krausman, and R. T. Bowyer. Wildlife Monographs 183:1–28. 2013.


A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Pierce, B. M., V. C. Bleich, K. L. Monteith, and R. T. Bowyer. Journal of Mammalogy 93:977–988. 2012.

The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Monteith, K. L., K. B. Monteith, J. A. Delger, L. E. Schmitz, T. J. Brinkman, C. S. DePerno, and J. A. Jenks. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1412–1419. 2012.

A mule deer fawn lays curled into a circle, darker hair running from its nose, over its white spotted back, to its tail.

Grovenburg, T. W., K. L. Monteith, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks. Animal Behaviour 84:59-65. 2012.


A black silhouette of a mule deer buck leaning towards the ground to eat.

Monteith, K. L., V. C. Bleich, T. R. Stephenson, B. M. Pierce, M. M. Conner, R. W. Klaver, and R. T. Bowyer. Ecosphere 2:art47. 2011.

The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Delger, J. A., K. L. Monteith, L. E. Schmitz, and J. A. Jenks.Human-Wildlife Interactions 5:32–46. 2011.


The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Monteith, K. L., C. L. Sexton, J. A. Jenks, and R. T. Bowyer. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1712–1716. 2010.


The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Monteith, K. L., L. E. Schmitz, J. A. Jenks, J. A. Delger, and R. T. Bowyer. Journal of Mammalogy 90:651–660. 2009.


The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Grovenburg, T. W., J. A. Jenks, R. W. Klaver, K. L. Monteith, D. H. Galster, R. J. Schauer, W. W. Morlock, and J. A. Delger. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 2:48–59. 2008.


The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxemia in a captive adult white-tailed deer.

Delger, J. A., K. L. Monteith., and J. A. Jenks. The Prairie Naturalist 38:197–202. 2007.


The black silhouette of a whitetail deer buck faces the screen.

Terrall, D. F., K. L. Monteith, T. W. Grovenburg, B. M Burris, B. M. Hien, C. C. Swanson, A. D. Steinke, and J. A. Jenks. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 84:119–127. 2005.


A mule deer fawn lays curled into a circle, darker hair running from its nose, over its white spotted back, to its tail.

Brinkman, T. J., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and C. S. DePerno. The Prairie Naturalist 36:75–81. 2004.