2024 Annual Update
A summary of the work we completed in 2024, including the new projects. Find the update here.

Pronghorn biology and management.
Because of the unique biology of pronghorn, managers can aim for both hunter opportunity and the opportunity to harvest a large buck simultaneously. Learn more by downloading the brief here.

Warm autumns and mating behavior.
A brief summary of how the mating behavior of male moose changes in warmer autumns. Download the brief here.

Mule deer and harsh winters
A brief summary of how harsh winters affect mule deer through influencing fat, and ultimately survival. Created in close collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Download the summary here.

2023 Annual Update
A summary of the work we conducted during 2023, including a final report for the projects we wrapped up. Download the update here.

Meeteetsee Moose Project Update
The Meeteetse Moose Project started in 2020, and much of the project wrapped up in 2023. In this update, we summarize some of the main findings from the project, including strategies that moose use to stay cool, how hot days affect males during the rut, and survival of adult and calves in the Meeteetse area.

2022 Annual Update
A summary of the work we conducted during 2022. Download the update here.

Evaluating translocations of bighorn sheep in Sweetwater Rocks area
Translocation of bighorn sheep is a common management strategy, however, is not always successful because of the specific habitat requirements, ecology, and behaviors of bighorn sheep. In this report, we assess habitat suitability and risk of contact with domestic sheep to evaluate the feasibility of a translocation of bighorn sheep to the Sweetwater Rocks.

Mule deer are one of the best-researched wildlife species, and they’re also a species that people from all backgrounds care about. In this report, we summarize some of the factors that have been and are shaping mule deer populations so that we can manage for the future. Download the full report here.

2021 Annual Update
A summary of the work we conducted during 2021. Download the update here.