Ungulates are easy-to-observe, common in some places, and incredibly charismatic, which make them great case studies for science lessons in K-12 classrooms! Here are some resources for bringing these special species into classrooms.
If you’re interested in having one of our team come to speak with your class, or working together to develop some classroom activities, please contact Taylor Wagstaff at tkennah1@uwyo.edu.
Lesson plans and classroom activities

Why do ungulates live where they do? Students in grades 6 – 8 can explore habitat types using gVeg, an interactive web platform, and learn about why ungulates live where they do. You can view the lesson plan here.

Mule Deer CSI is an activity for 3rd – 7th grade students. Follow this link to access “case files” and instructions for how to lead this activity!

Make casts of animal tracks to take home and keep with you! You can find the instructions here.

Retrace the steps of Deer 104 as she migrates between her winter and summer ranges in western Wyoming. Learners of all ages can use this interactive map to experience migration first hand! You can start your adventure here.

Put yourself in the hooves of a mule deer mom and her fawns! Play a round of A Mule Deer Year and see if you can survive a whole year!

How many times a day do deer poop? Why don’t bighorn sheep get concussions when they ram their heads together? We’ve assembled some of the best trivia about ungulates here!